Kolyba ''Na Szańcach''
Szańce 33
43-474 Koniaków
E-mail: kolyba@op.pl
Web site: http://www.goraleslascy.pl
Phone: +48 609 024 633; +48 33 855 70 78
Category: Regional
Place:  Koniaków
“Kolyba na Szańcach”, Piotr Kohut offers participation in workshops concerning the sheep cheese manufacturing and a lecture on the subject of traditional pasturing. The facility comprises: a shepherd’s hut where you can buy different types of sheep cheese, for example, Bundz, Bryndza, Oscypek, etc. (the hut is open from April to October, i.e. when sheep breeds on mountain pastures), and the Highland Shop where you can buy highland costumes, products from sheep wool, wooden and metal ware, and articles from eco-friendly materials (the shop is open all-year-round).
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